Member-only story
The Surprising Side Effect of My Second Covid Vaccine Shot
Apparently, I have anger issues.
Within hours of the first Moderna shot, I learned all the various meanings of the phrase, “I’m inflamed.” Top of that list, I was angry, mean, short-tempered, grumpy. So, when it came time for the second shot, I was equally curious and apprehensive as to what it might do to my inner state.
I’m not going to lie — the horror stories circulating of people’s experiences with their second dose of the Covid vaccine had me a little scared. Their accounts didn’t make me question the shot because I knew the benefits of receiving it truly outweighed any minor discomfort I might experience, but I needed to have a plan.
I scheduled time off. I decided that I wouldn’t be traveling, going to an event, working at another location, tackling another to-do list. This would be pure time off, plain and simple. Time to endure whatever vague or troubling symptom occurred, and doing it with pride that I was contributing in my tiny way to the end of this nightmare.
The first shot had made me as mean as a poked bear. There’s a very good chance that I’m always impatient, triggered, and ready to fly off the handle, but as the first Moderna vaccine twined its way into my RNA (or whatever it does in there), my filter came crashing down within a…